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Covid-19 Guidelines and Updates

As we work through our Return to Skating preparations, all Public Health Guidelines, Skate Canada NL Guidelines and Town of Grand Falls-Windsor guidelines will be strictly applied and adhered to.

  • All shared spaces such as Viewing Rooms, Dressing Rooms and Common Areas will remain closed.
  • Registration for all Sparkling Blades SC programming will take place online through Uplifter and payment may be made by credit card of email money transfer. In person, cash payments will be accepted only if the registrant does not have access to either of the above methods of payment.
  • Enhanced cleaning protocols as required by Public Health guidelines will be performed.
  • Skaters will arrive rink ready (attire, skates on, etc.) Skates on requirement may be waived for senior skaters if it is determined that physical distancing can be maintained either in the lobby area or the seating area. Skaters are required to wear a mask until they enter the ice surface. Skaters will be met at main entrance 5 min prior to start of session and will exit building immediately following scheduled timeslot. Pick up area will be determined and communicated to all registrants. Sparkling Blades will assign a monitor (parent volunteer) if skaters not practicing Physical Distancing protocols. This monitor will also have the authority to ask individuals to leave who are not following Public Health, Skate NL, club or rink guidelines.
  • Parents or any spectators will not be permitted in the arena. This will be reassessed as we move throughout the season.

Skaters, coaches, volunteers and program staff MUST NOT participate if they:

  • Exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms, as identified by health experts. Please see the Government of NL About

             COVID-19 page, The Symptoms of COVID-19 tab for the full list of symptoms

  • Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days
  • It is highly recommended that if you are a person who has been identified as vulnerable or at risk that you do not participate in Skate Canada Programs or related activities.

              Vulnerable or at-risk persons include:



Prior to the start of any programs, the following will be communicated to Skaters/parents:

  • Skaters will be instructed to leave unnecessary personal items at home.
  • Used tissues must be deposited into waste containers immediately after use and hands sanitized. It is recommended that skaters bring their own hand sanitizer as an added precaution.
  • Skaters will not have access to the music player. Only the coaches running the sessions will have access.


  • Coaches are expected to practice physical distancing from skaters, volunteers, parents and other coaches on and off the ice.
  • Coaches are expected to support and enforce the safety guidelines set by Public Health, Skate Canada NL, their club and the facilities in which they are working.
  • Additional personal protective equipment is optional as long as it does not obstruct or inhibit the safety of all individuals on the ice.
  • Coaches should provide preferred method of communicating with parents (email, text, lesson plan notes, etc.).
  • Any equipment used on the ice must be disinfected before and immediately after each session.


The club will have a communication strategy to alert all who may have been exposed which will include:

  • Consulting local health authorities and Skate Canada NL should an outbreak happen in your facility
  • Identify a contact person to receive reports from skaters/families/staff of new illness
  • Appoint a COVID-19  point person to communicate with rink management and Skate Canada NL and to monitor local, provincial and national developments.
  • Coaches will keep a record of attendance on all sessions in case Contact Tracing is required. These will be kept for a minimum of 14 days after the session.





Coaches, skaters(guardians) and on site volunteers will be required to sign an agreement to monitor their health prior to each session and to stay home if there are any of the symptoms of Covid-19 or if there has been any contact with a known or presumed contact. Please find the updated athlete screening document under the policies tab.



Members will be required to sign an Assumption or Risk and Waiver, releasing Sparkling Blades, Skate Canada NL and Skate Canada from any responsibility if any injury or sickness. This was developed by Skate Canada lawyers. See attached.


All changes in protocol and these additional safety measures will be communicated to members prior to participating in any Sparkling Blades programs. Methods of communication may include emails, Facebook posts, as part of the registration package and online registration process, and virtual meetings. We will add a section to our Uplifter site where any updates to Covid-19 can be found. This section will also contain links to Skate Canada NL and Skate Canada guidelines.


Important Links:

Skate Canada NL Covid-19 Updates

Skate Canada Covid-19 Updates


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