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All skater families are required to participate in a minimum of 4 fundraisers for the season. (Skaters registering throughout the year must participate in remaining fundraisers.) Details of these fundraisers will be announced throughout the season. **Mandatory Skate Canada NL skater's lottery does not qualify as a club fundraiser.**



I hereby acknowledge that the Sparkling Blades Skating Club is not liable for any injuries or damages incurred during the skating season.


Photo/Video Policy

The Sparkling Blades SC may take photographs or videos of program participants. Any photograph or video may be used on our website, Facebook page, local newspaper or other promotional materials and to celebrate our skaters' achievements. The use of photographs and videos will be limited to these purposes.


Refund Policy for Regular Season Registration

There will be no refunds after two weeks from date of registration. Medical refunds or adjustments (with a doctor's note) will only be provided if the medical condition results in the skater leaving the program for the remainder of the season.

Skate Canada registration, Safe Sport fee and insurance amount + Skate Canada NL Skater's lottery fees are non-refundable and non-discountable (in the case of family discount).

Any refund requests should be sent in writing to

Regular season refunds will be subject to a $25 service fee.

Coach Travel

Skaters attending out of town competitions will be expected to pay a portion of coach’s travel expenses. This amount will vary depending on location of competition, number of coaches attending and expenses incurred. Once expense total has been determined, it will be divided equally among skaters attending and invoiced to skaters using Uplifter.




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